... if, because the local community (ie all of us) has had to stand up and fight for Crosby Village, that in the future the Village was just better, more used, and more loved.
We insist that it has to become better, beacuse it really is sink or swim time for Crosby.
Sainsbury's current plans will destroy Crosby as a 'village' forever. We want Sainsbury's to invest in Crosby, but in a way that helps all of us.
Nearly everyone agrees with us, but some people say we don't have a chance against such a big business.
Now thousands of people have signed our petiton, leaders of the community are coming out to support the Village and the risks to Crosby are in the papers, and we've only just started.
We really want the Council and Sainsbury's to work with us, the 'Community', the ones who pay the taxes and buy the food. But just in case, in the background we are praparing legal/planning submissions with expert advice.
Man from Sainsburys, if you're reading this - and we think you are, please work with, and not against, a community that has supported your supermarket for many years.
You may have all the money and the land, but we've got the love and are having more fun.
See you at the LAST STAND FESTIVAL...31st July, Crosby Village.
Private Eye-Liverpool Rotten Borough. Murkeyside.
Police have seized £200,000 from a property linked to a Liverpool
developer arrested last month on suspicion of
bribery and corruption.
The money was foun...
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