If you are visiting this Blog site for the first time, having spotted us in today’s Crosby Herald – welcome.
Apart from the lastest Blog entries – if you search through the older postings in the Blog archive you may find items of interest.
Our campaign for ABetterCrosby, and against Sainsburys current proposals is described in the separate feature boxes.
Please add comments & your thoughts to any stories you like.
Regarding todays Herald front page, it is great that the 3d image of the new store showing the true size of it, has made the front page.
It is less great that the Herald decided to run the front page with the spin of Sainsbury’s , and we fear Sefton Council’s, view of the world.
We have a copy of the ‘experts’ report. WYG who wrote it are Sefton’s ‘retained retail consultants’, who advise them on all such matters. They are a massive international property/construction consultancy, who also happen to work directly for Sainsbury’s in other parts of the country. As a consultancy they also design supermarkets and highways/carparks for supermarkets. We all understand how difficult it is to have two different paymasters at work, and WYG are a part of the supermarket industry.
It is a bit like asking an arms-dealer how to resolve a war....
Regarding the report itself the opening paragraph describes the site of the new Sainsbury’s as a ‘Brownfield Site’. Maybe they have not been to Crosby for a while, most of their reports focus on Southport and Bootle, but the Glenns Buildings, Moor Lane Villas, or the historic centre of Crosby, are NOT in our opinion a Brown field site.
The report goes on to make numerous specific retail points which we dispute.
We would refer you to this report by a well established economic research group, which has led to the passing of the Sustainable Communities Act by Government. We believe this Act of Government can be used to help save Crosby.
We do not want a Ghost Town, we want a sustainable , local, community, and with it A Better Crosby.
We also have a copy of the Places Matter report referred to – we will send you a copy if you like -, again, reading it we do not believe it offers ‘broad support’ for the scheme.
Please email us at abettercrosby@googlemail.com if you would like to help us.
Private Eye-Liverpool Rotten Borough. Murkeyside.
Police have seized £200,000 from a property linked to a Liverpool
developer arrested last month on suspicion of
bribery and corruption.
The money was foun...
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